Kazakhtelecom Launched Unique Online Service
OREANDA-NEWS. February 10, 2009. As part of the development of Kazakhstanis segment of the Internet leading operator of Kazakhstan JSC "Kazakhtelecom" together with the brand "The team of professionals CREW" launched a unique online service, which has no analogues in the CIS - "Wizard summary", http://crew.region.kz/cv. In future plans is promotion of the CREW as an international brand and a unique creation of the first social network for professionals, candidates and employers, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.
Since the portal team of professionals CREW, http://crew.region.kz , developed and maintained on the web site of JSC "Kazakhtelecom", for subscribers of "Megaline" traffic is free and without any restriction on the volume of subject access at speeds of up to 8 Mbps.
Service summary of the creation of a professional team of professionals CREW located http://crew.region.kz/cv and a pilot service of a large complex, scheduled to be launched under the brand CREW. Among the advantages of a portal - the lack of geographical spaces, multilingual and combining B2B and B2C services with the capacity of social networks, etc.
The main idea of the service - to help people seeking employment to increase their chances at the expense of the benefits of a professional resume. Correct and easy to read summary of the structure, the ability to add photos, comprehensive information, it is recommended to fill in not only re-evaluate their capabilities, but also clearly define the requirements for a new job. These criteria are important to employers. In addition, after the formation of a summary, users have an opportunity to send it to more than 300 current vacancies.
"Tools for creating a summary of today has no analogues in CIS countries, the technical realization of the service is at a very high level, using modern AJAX-technology layout and clear interface - Marat Tungatarov comments, the developer of the portal and the top manager of Advertising Agencies DG, http://www.dg.kz. - From users of the service we do not require registration, extra traffic, the expertise to consistently responding to the questions to form your own original and qualitative summary format PDF".
Since the portal team of professionals CREW, http://crew.region.kz/ , located on the internet site of JSC "Kazakhtelecom", is for subscribers of "Megaline" traffic is free and without any restriction on volume. The speed of access for subscribers tariff plans "Megaline Hit", "Megaline Box", "Megaline Light", "Megaline Start" up to 512 kbit / s, and for users of the tariff plan "Megaline Turbo" - up to 8 Mbps.
Work of the JSC "Kazakhtelecom" on Development of KazNet already confirmed positive statistics. Results of policy differentiation of traffic for subscribers of "Megaline" (individuals) show a gradual increase in the share of domestic traffic. So during March-December 2008 the share of domestic traffic increased by 56,1% - it is 5 times more than the beginning of the year.
Also from February 1, 2009 was increased the volume of traffic included in monthly fee, according to the tariff plan "Megaline Turbo" from 2 to 10 GB without changing the size of monthly payments. At the same time decreasing the cost of subsequent traffic from up to 104 tenge KZT 32.82 for each full and partial 10 MB. In addition, from 1 February 2009 was reduced the cost for each complete and incomplete follow-up 10 MB of traffic on the tariff plan "Megaline Start" from 128 tenge to the cost of follow-up of traffic, similar to the tariff plan "Megaline Turbo", - 32,82 KZT.
"JSC "Kazakhtelecom" is interested in the appearance in the vast of KazNet some unique and social projects with on-line services - said the Chief Commercial Director of JSC "Kazakhtelecom" Askar Eserkegenov. - Development of local content - one of the priorities for our company. In addition, this year the joint-stock company “Kazakhtelecom” will continue to actively work to create attractive conditions for the development of KazNet and to further reduce tariffs on hosting services".