11.02.2009, 14:49
Credit-Rating Suspends Number of Issue Ratings
OREANDA-NEWS. On 11 February 2009 Credit-Rating, a nationally recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine announced that it suspended long-term credit ratings assigned to Kharkiv-based Faktorial-Bank JSCB and Donetsk-based Bank Familnyi LLC due to suspension of contractual relations with Credit-Rating. The agency has also suspended the long-term credit ratings assigned to bond issues of the following companies: housing bonds for UAH5.5m (series A) issued by Kharkiv-based Kharkivzhytlo LLC following the bonds` maturity term; housing bonds (series A-D) for UAH28.3m issued by Dnepropetrovsk-based Stroykompleks OJSC following the bonds` maturity term; housing bonds (series F-L) for UAH179.6m issued by Kiev-based TMO LIKO-HOLDING LLC following the bonds` maturity term; coupon bonds (series A) for UAH10m issued by Kiev-based Financial Company TEKT-REALTY LLC due to suspension of contractual relations with the agency; coupon bonds (series A) for UAH50m issued by Lviv-based Yablunevyi Dar LLC due to no information furnished to the agency. The rating`s suspension is a preliminary stage before the rating`s withdrawal.