New 28 Kindrgartens Will Be Built in Astana during Next Three Years
OREANDA-NEWS. On 06 February 2009 was announced, that Astana lacks a kindergarten, that’s why the city authorities are planning to build 28 of them during three years.
“Today the deficit in kindergartens is 22 thousand places. If the status-quo will be preserved than by 2011 there will be 35 thousand places taking into account the average indicator of 7 thousand children a year”, said Astana akim Imangali Tasmagambetov at the report meeting with population on Wensday.
He called the lack of places “the acutest social problem of the city”.
This year there will be built in Astana 10 kindergartens, and in 2010 another 10 kindergartens will be completed. In 2011 it is planned to build 8 pre-school institutions.
Today there are functioning 38 state and 15 private kindergartens in the city.