Baltika Breweries Will Present Its Products at International Forum
OREANDA-NEWS. On 05 February 2009 was announced, that Baltika Breweries will present its products at the very large international forum in Greece called "Food & Drinks", which will take place from the 5th to the 9th of February in the Metropolitan Exhibition Center in Athens. At the stand of the leader of the Russian beer market, visitors will be able to sample all the varieties in the product line-up of the Baltika brand.
This is the second time that Baltika Breweries is participating in "Food & Drinks" Forum in Greece and the Company is the sole representative of the Russian brewing industry at the Forum.
The high quality products of Baltika Breweries have been available in Greece since the year 2000. Presently the whole line-up of the Baltika brand is on sale in the country, as well as Arsenalnoye and Zhigulevskoye. In the first 9 months of 2008, the Company’s sales in Greece rose by 45% compared to the same period in 2007.
Ekaterina Zezkova, Sales Executive to Europe, Baltika Breweries: ‘We believe the potential of the Greek market is high and in future we are planning to expand significantly the availability of products from Baltika Breweries in tourist areas and on the islands so as to ensure 100% distribution amongst the Russian speaking segment. We also intend to develop our sales in trendy bars, clubs, discotheques, and in the national trading networks’.
The "Food & Drinks" Forum gives participants an excellent opportunity to meet with major international distributors and retailers, thus extending the circle of their partnership relations.
Baltika beer brands has been well known in Europe for over nine years. During that time, the Company succeeded in strengthening its position on the markets of 18 European countries.
According to data prepared by the international agency Canadean and published at the end of 2008, during 2007 the Baltika brand moved up to first place in Europe in terms of sales volume. In the words of Kevin Baker, Beer Service Director of Canadean LTD (UK), the gap between the Baltika brand and its nearest competitor amounts to 16 %.