KASE Decides on Sanctions to Listing Companies
OREANDA-NEWS. The Exchange Council of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) at its meeting on January 29, 2009 considered the issue on sanctions to a group of listing companies that violated KASE requirements on terms of provision of information, and made the following decisions, reported the press-centre of KASE:
- to send a letter warning of penalty sanctions in case of recurrent violation on the side of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries, which provided data on its shares and shareholders as on October 1, 2008 and January 1, 2009 with violation of terms of provision of such information;
- to allow REMIX-R for a permitted additional term up to February 10, 2009 for provision of the report for Q4 2008 comprising consolidated financial statements, and send a letter warning of penalty sanctions in case of recurrent violation;
- to allow Airport Sary-Arka for a permitted additional term up to February 15, 2009 for provision of an audit report on its financial statements for 2007; The KASE Listing commission must prepare by the following meeting of the Exchange Council an opinion on the possibility of de-listing of securities of the issuer and consider at the meeting an issue of de-listing; on making such decision the Exchange Council took into account that the issuer was provided with additional terms for provision of audit report on financial statements for 2007 three times.