Construction of Sochi Seaport to Be Completed in 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. February 2, 2009. RF Minister of Transport Igor Levitin informed RF Prime Minister Vladimir Putin about the construction of logistics infrastructure in Sochi, which is to hold Winter Olympic games in 2014. According to Levitin, the construction of seaport which has commenced in Sochi is to be completed this year.
"Besides, the construction of two railway junctions is to be finished this year. One of them has been put into operation in 2008. Its capacity is 10 million tonnes of cargo per year," Levitin said.
According to him, all cargoes for construction of Olympic facilities will be delivered from Sochi by railway or by sea transport.
Commissioning of the port’s first phase is scheduled for the second quarter of 2009. The port will be able to accept con materials. The design capacity will be reached from the second quarter of 2010. The port will have eight specialized berths: three berths for general cargo, two berths for cement, three berths for dry bulk. Maximal depth at the berths – 9.2 meters.