Turkmenistan Received New Specialized Vehicles for Milk Producers
OREANDA-NEWS. February 2, 2009. Specialized vehicles replenished the fleet of Food Industry Association of Turkmenistan. Turkmen food industry workers received 60 machines for delivering milk, 50 of them are fitted with the special cooling aggregate.
Renewing the fleet vehicles of the enterprises affiliated with the Food Industry Association of Turkmenistan is an aspect of the programme on modernization of food industry initiated by the President of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the programme food industry plays a key role in increasing domestic food production. A new consignment of vehicles was delivered to Turkmenistan under the contract concluded between the Association and Aralon – the winner of the international tender. The American Company is to deliver 85 vehicles of two modifications. The rest 25 milk tankers will be delivered to the food enterprises in the near future.
Milk coolers designed for delivering 2.5 tons of milk are made from stainless steel and maintain the temperature conditions that let to preserve the quality of delivered milk for three days. The milk tankers with the loading capacity of 4.9 tons have the perfect technical characteristics. Reliably delivering milk from the receiving points to processing factories these vehicles will enable to substantially increase milk production and improve the quality of milk products.