Businessmen of Murmansk Area Shocked with Prices for Electric Power
OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 January 2009 was announced, that businessmen of Murmansk area shocked with prices for electric power. Sergey Semenov, the assistant to the regional Ministry of economic development has informed on it yesterday at session of working group on operative monitoring of a social and economic situation in Murmansk area. To it have addressed with complaints on powermen two Murmansk enterprises - Open Society "Ship-repair factory of a marine sea fleet" and the trading company "Gimea".
As Anatoly Vinogradchy, the chairman of regional committee on tariff regulation has explained to Murmansk news agency, increase of percent of free prices at a payment for the electric power for legal bodies speaks reform of power which should come to the end by 2011. It has reminded, that businessmen receive two receipts: adjustable tariffs are registered in one, in the second the payment on the free prices developing in the market is provided.
According to officially confirmed rules of the wholesale power market, since January, 1st, 2007 for legal bodies in the first half of the year payment of 90-95 percent of consumed energy under adjustable tariffs, the rest - on free prices has been provided. In the second half of the year the percent of payment on adjustable tariffs has decreased till 85-90. In the first half of the year 2008 the adjustable percent has decreased till 80-85, in the second - to 70-75 percent. In the first half of the year 2009 decrease in percent of the regulated prices till 65-70, on free prices accordingly increase to 30-35 percent is provided. In the second half of the year of current year payment on free prices will increase to 45-50 percent. By the end of 2010 the percent of free prices will increase to 80-85, and, at last, in 2011 businessmen will pay all electric power consumed by them for the prices of the free market.
According to Anatoly Vinogradchev, disagreement with the prices express not only two above-stated Murmansk enterprises. Recently at meeting regional agricultural producers in this occasion all representatives of agrarian and industrial complex of Murmansk area have negatively expressed. Officials, as obliges agreeing with inevitability and necessity of the state reform of system of power, too express bewilderment concerning the prices developing in the wholesale power market. If in December of last year average adjustable tariff was 0.87-0.90 rubes for one kilowatt-hour in free sector it has reached 5 rubles.
On a call of vice-governor Vyacheslav Akatev to the minister of economic development of Russia Elvira Nabiullina with the request to explain formation of the free tariff (why it so is high?), it has not given the intelligible answer. Having explained only what to cancel reform of power anybody in the Russian government does not gather.
Businessmen povergli in a receipt shock on payment for the electric power in sector of free prices for November. What will be, when they will receive them in February - for December? (Receipts to legal bodies on electric power payment on free prices traditionally come with delay. - Red.)
Receipts on payment of the electric power for December shocked and some murmaners. They have received repeated receipts with instructions at payment for December of January tariffs. As have explained to Murmansk news agency in branch of company "Kolaregionenergosbyt" of Lenin district of the regional centre, here there can be two reasons: the information from banks powermen about payment for the electric power a separate part of the population has come with delay. The second reason - the receipt is paid after 10 numbers of the come month, instead of to - as that is demanded by a rule of payment of cost of the utilities, dictated by the state. And in that case, and in other case payment under the tariff of next month is provided not penja for a payment delay for the reasons depending or independent of citizens, and.
"A question difficult, I would like to leave it without comments", - Anatoly Vinogradchy has offered Murmansk news agency. Has and still explained, that this question rose the population for years earlier, but the permission and has not received. "Basically this nuance standard is not registered in one document", - he has told.