Chemrovka Grain Receiving Enterprise to Store State Intervention Grain
OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 January 2009 was announced, that Chemrovka grain-receiving enterprise, a structural unit of Transagro Corporation located in the Altay Territory, was assigned to store state intervention grain after successful accreditation.
The accredited amount stands at 18,000 tonnes. Chemrovka enterprise has in store a wide range of services offered to agricultural producers and farmers of the Biisk district, and the nearby areas. The technical capacities of the grain-receiving enterprise ensure safekeeping of grain without quality losses.
Successful accomplishment of the strategically important task is facilitated by a considered policy of collaboration with local authorities, agricultural growers and farmers. It is vital to make a clear point that the government grants the most advantageous terms – higher price and accurate fulfillment of the contract.
With Chemrovka, the credit of participating in state intervention programme is well-grounded. PAVA is a company with solid experience in grain processing sector, an expert of the agricultural market, reputed for its reliability as a business partner. Moreover, collaboration with the grain processor could become continuous, seeing that interests of the company and the growers are mutual.