Head of Republic Karelia Made Working Trip to Segezha Region
OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 January 2009 was announced, that this is no accident this destination was spotted, as the Head of Karelia has chosen a flashpoint of the day on the map of Karelia. The crisis phenomena has injured Segezha region the most. Segezha Pulp and Paper Plant and Nadvoitsy Aluminum Factory, two large enterprises forming the company town, are struggling through great difficulties these days, reduce production, reduce staff, matters even concerned complete cessation of enterprises' work. Moods of the population in the town and region were the most gloomy, and even worse were expectation. People incline to blame authority for all troubles, though for justice' sake it is necessary to notice that both enterprises are private and belong to large financial and economic groups which opportunities surpass opportunities of the budget of Karelia essentially.
Against this emotional background Head of the republic has held a number of meetings with heads and population of the region and town of Segezha. Sergey Katanandov has met with attendees of the regional Placement Service, considered citizens' personal problems, talked to workers of enterprises, and has spent one and a half hours to talk to senior pupils of Segezha schools. The word 'crisis' was heard everywhere. Head of the republic frankly told to people about problems not trying to dissemble and hide their depth. "The situation is hard, although not catastrophic, - he explained. - We have known times worse. This time authority of the republic will stay with population of the region and will do its best to minimize consequences of crisis for ordinary people".
However, the basic purpose of the trip of the Head of the republic was not to console the despaired and calm the worrying. As he said, today only very fast and very exact financial, economic and organizational measures can save the situation. These measures were subject of two rounds of uneasy negotiations with the management Segezha Pulp and Paper Plant and Nadvoitsy Aluminum Factory. As a result of negotiations Agreements with these enterprises for cooperation with the Government of republic in overcoming the crisis have been signed.
- The main sense of these agreements, - Sergey Katanandov has told making comments on the situation, - is that there is no reason to help those who want to be lost. Government of the republic and me personally are ready to help those enterprises which are aimed at survival and are ready to struggle. Concluding agreements, we exchange our support for plans of enterprises that suit us. For me, it was very important to study conditions on the spot and understand where is that limiting depth of recession below which factories should not go. As a result of long and complex negotiations both with proprietors, and with management of the enterprises we have established such limiting bottom rod. For Segezha Pulp and Paper Plant this is 20% decline in production. Production of noncompetitive products will stop, measures will be taken to reduce expenses, staff will be partly reduced. The remained 80% of the enterprise will work and produce that will allow to keep both production, and most of the workforce. On Nadvoitsy Aluminium Factory the situation is a little worse - there we have stated 30% decline in production in the Agreement with all consequences. However, the factory should be preserved, as well as its efficient personnel - all managers have put their signatures under these condition. In turn, the government has undertaken to assist the enterprises. First of all, we shall achieve the electric power tariff change for them, help to solve social tasks, problems of current activity crediting, we shall promote solution of problems with tax departments. I hope, that parties will carefully follow the agreements signed, and, making common cause, we shall overcome the hard times, - Sergey Katanandov has told.
Preservation and creation of workplaces was the main concern of the Head of the republic during all his meetings. He has even visited one of recently opened grocery stores in Segezha and participated in the population employment program. Creation of workplaces he has emphasized at discussion of the Polar Bear new arrogant project of Segezha Pulp and Paper Plant providing construction of new modern capacities in the town of paper-mill workers. It was also mentioned in the conversation with the management of Segezhgranit, Inc., the company establishing mass production of crashed granite in Segezha region. Upon achieving the designed capacity the enterprise will create 99 new workplaces at the average salary of 40 thousand rubles.
Joint anti-recessionary actions on the example of Segezha region have also become the basic subject of the exit session of the Council of the republic which Sergey Katanandov has held on January 28 in Segezha. Heads of regions of Karelia where, perhaps, the crisis consequences are not felt so sharp yet as in Segezha have gathered at the session. However, there they became convinced that there is no time to relax. Probably, many will be armed now with experience of Segezha trip of the Head of the republic to undertake similar measures in their region and prevent development according to the crisis script.