OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 January 2009 was announced, that Deutsche Bank Moscow’s Domestic Custody Services (DCS) business has achieved outstanding results in both Global Custodian’s Agent Bank Review for the Emerging Markets 2008 and Global Investor’s Sub-Custody Survey 2008/2009.

Global Custodian - Agent Bank Review for the Emerging Markets 2008

Global Custodian’s Agent Bank Review is based on client questionnaires. There are two categories of rating for each country, one for domestic clients and one for cross-border clients, and two grades of rating – Top Rated or Commended. Deutsche Bank Moscow received “top ratings” from domestic clients and from cross-border clients.

Global Investor's Annual Sub-Custody Survey 2008/2009

This survey is based on client feedback in the form of online questionnaire. According to client’s opinions Deutsche Bank Moscow performed very well and climbed to the first place.