AMCU Insists on Transport Fares to Be Cut
OREANDA-NEWS. On January 23, 2009 Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has appointed a new sitting where it is to take a final decision concerning cut of fares in municipal transport. It was reasoned from the fact that Kyiv municipal state administration hadn’t fulfilled its promise to reduce from January 23 of 2009 ticket prices for underground to 1.7 UAH and for trolley-buses, buses and trams to 1.5 UAH.
An obligation to reduce tariffs for public transport was contained in an official letter of Kyiv municipal state administration and in a commitment letter of mayor Leonid Chernovetsky.
“Unless Kyiv municipal administration reduces fares to the mentioned limit before the meeting, the AMCU will take envisaged by the legislation decision and will oblige to bring transport tariffs to an economically grounded level, applying punitive measures to communal conveyors,” acting Head of Antimonopoly Committee Olexandr Melnychenko stressed on completion of a session of Kyivrada which had to tackle the issues of transport tariffs.
Under the current legislation a sitting of Antimonopoly Committee in this issue shall be held after 5 days passing and the fines for communal enterprises the Kyiv Metropoliten and Kyivpastrans can make up to 10% of their annual profit.