Bank Uralsib Announces State Registration of Share Issue
OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 January 2009 BANK URALSIB (URALSIB or Bank) (RTS: USBN) announced state registration of share issue.
On January 16th 2009 the Central Bank of Russia registered additional share issue of BANK URALSIB (state registration number 10200030В004D).
On December 15th 2008 the Bank's EGM made a decision to increase URALSIB's authorized capital by 6.2 bln rubles by placing additional ordinary non-documentary shares of the Bank. The nominal value of the share is 0.1 ruble. 61.6 bln of shares will be placed by private subscription among current shareholders - JSC "UralSib Business Center" and OJSC "Financial Corporation URALSIB".
The additional shares may be paid in monetary assets in the currency of the RF on the part of OJSC "Financial Corporation URALSIB" in the amount of 1.4 bln rubles and in kind priced at 4.7 bln rubles on the part of JSC "UralSib Business Center".
As a result of the additional issue the Bank's authorized capital may rise by 30.2% (or by 6.2 bln rubles) up to 26.6 bln rubles. The process of additional issue is planned to be completed in IIQ2009.
The Bank's authorized capital amounts to 20.4 bln rubles and is divided by 204.2 bln shares with the nominal value of 0.1 rubles. At present all companies of the Financial Corporation URALSIB own 94.6% of the Bank's authorized capital, Deutsche Bank - 2.1%, Morgan Stanley - 2.1%, free float - 1.2%.