PAVA Expands Unique Dietary Product Assortment
OREANDA-NEWS.On 21 January 2009 was announced, that following the successful launch of protein-enriched flour which gained instant consumer popularity, PAVA continued its R&D efforts and created another dietary product perfect for healthy nutrition – a cereal meal, enriched with unique complex of beneficial substances extracted from wheat grain.
It is a well-known fact that a wheat kernel is endowed by terrific nutritive value. However, biochemical research shows that in typical milling methods much of its essential components are discarded. Restoring the original composition owing to special technology infuses health benefits in the products of processing.
The new cereal is exclusive product, which may be classified as a variety of wheat cereal. It is high in protein and is not overloaded with calories. The company already started laboratory testing for specifying quality parameters; technical documents preparation is under way and certification is likely to be obtained by the end of March.
This product is excellently placed to find widespread use in cooking light breakfast meals, besides there are a lot of recipes in Russian traditional cuisine that will enhance its popularity.
PAVA nutritive cereal meal will be distributed under the brand Zhitnitsa similarly to protein-enriched flour, the ground-breaking product in this line. The company’s working out potential market segments, both in Russia and abroad. PAVA has solid experience in exporting which is reflected in almost doubled shipments over 2008, and the new product is looked at as excellent addition in the range offered to overseas partners.