Preferred Shares of Eurasian Bank Listed on KASE by 1st Category
OREANDA-NEWS. By the decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Council of January 15, 2009 preferred shares KZ1P31550117 of Eurasian Bank (Almaty) were included into KASE official list by the first category, reported the press-centre of KASE.
The date of putting into effect of this Exchange Council decision will be announced additionally upon payment by the issuer of listing fees.
The trades opening in mentioned bonds on KASE will be also announced additionally.
On August 16, 2005, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (AFS) registered the issue of Eurasian Bank announced shares, which consisted of 109,998 common shares. On December 19, 2008, AFS registered changes to Eurasian Bank announced shares issue prospectus according to which the number of announced common shares makes up 33,000,000 units, preferred shares - 3,000,000 units.
As of December 23, 2008 were offered 10,999,800 common shares of Eurasian Bank.
Kompania Registrator (Almaty) keeps mentioned bonds shareholders registers system.
By KASE Board decision of January 15, 2009 the mentioned bonds were assigned abbreviation (trading code) EUBNp.
More detailed information on mentioned bonds issues will be published on KASE website after giving effect to the mentioned Exchange Council decision.