Transaero Signs Transport Agreements for Pediatric Cancer Patients
OREANDA-NEWS. On 19 January 2009 was announced, that Transaero Airlines had signed a range of medical transport service agreements with the charity funds Podari Zhizn, Nastenka and Schastlivy Mir. These agreements are in line with Transaero’s running social outreach program supporting children’s public health.
According to the agreements, Transaero provides free tickets for the transport of children with cancer and hematological conditions, their parents or accompanying medical personnel transporting bone marrow for transplant operations in Russian clinics. Transaero is ready to give at least 70 tickets on both domestic and international routes for each fund, good through the end of 2009.
At the ceremony devoted to signing the agreements, Transaero General Director Olga Pleshakova emphasized Transaero’s ongoing commitment to public health issues in relation to the social responsibility of the air transport sector and pledged to do as much as possible to assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer. “Charity gains importance now, when everyone is overcome by the consequences of the world financial crisis,” she said. “Transaero does not intend to neglect its social responsibility programs at this time.”
Transaero has been involved in previous partnership with Podari Zhizn, Nastenka and Schastlivy Mir. In 2008, Transaero’s cooperation helped 70 patients from the Russian Far East, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to receive cancer treatment in Moscow and St. Petersburg and in German and Israeli clinics.
Transaero’s program for assistance to pediatric wellness stands alongside other charitable medical transport programs, including the Nazad v Budushee rehabilitation program for children with cancer and the Puteshestvije v Stranu Transaero corporate volunteer program.