Halyk Savings Bank Reached Agreement with Samruk-Kazyna
OREANDA-NEWS. On January 15, 2009 Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan (Almaty), the listed company of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided to KASE the press release on the following, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Joint Stock Company 'Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan' (Halyk Bank) (LSE: HSBK) is pleased to announce that on 15 January 2009 it has reached agreements between the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna (Samruk-Kazyna), Halyk Bank and Holding Group Almex JSC, Halyk Bank's major shareholder, for realization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (for more information on the MoU signed on 1 December 2008, please see Halyk Bank's press release dated 11 December 2008).
The parties agreed the main terms of participation of Samruk-Kazyna acting on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the equity of Halyk Bank (up to 25% of its total common shares).
Halyk Bank is taking all measures required to ensure that the capital increase is conducted in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the provision to offer Halyk Bank's existing shareholders and GDR holders the right to buy newly issued shares on a pre-emptive basis, the Listing Rules of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange as well as the terms and conditions of the international agreements signed by Halyk Bank.
The parties also agreed to further coordinate their efforts aimed at supporting the growth of the real sector of Kazakhstan economy and stability of the financial sector of Kazakhstan.
The preliminary step for Samruk-Kazyna's participation in the equity shall be the short-term deposit allocated with Halyk Bank shortly or another financial instrument aimed at strengthening Halyk Bank's position on the market.