2009 Budget to Provide Social Guarantees to Chornobyl Persons in Full
OREANDA-NEWS. January 16, 2009. The 2009 State Budget of Ukraine expenses for implementation of the programs on social protection of the citizens suffered from the Chornobyl catastrophe amount UAH 2 091.3 mln that allows to provide social guarantees to the Chornobyl persons in full.
According to Minister of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine Liudmyla Denisova, despite the fact that absolute increase of the volume of budget assignments as against 2008 was not realized, due to the application of efficient order of budget means use and strict control over every used hryvnia introduced by the Ministry of Labour, the volumes of financing of the most priority directions of social protection of the Chornobyl persons will be increased.
In particular, in 2009 it is planned to increase expenditures for free food of children studying in radiation-contaminated areas by UAH 29.0 mln giving an opportunity to increase the cost of food of every child by 20 percent on average.
Correspondingly, for sanatorium-and-spa treatment of the Chornobyl persons this year will be used by UAH 48.0 mln more as compared with 2008.