PAVA Continues to Increase Its Presence on Afghanistan Market in 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. On 13 January 2009 was announced, that active development of the Afghan market remains one of the exporting priorities for PAVA, the largest grain processor in the Asian part of Russia. During the first 2 months in 2009 the company will ship 2,680 tonnes of first-grade flour to the Republic.
Recently PAVA has shipped protein-enriched flour to Afghanistan which sells successfully due to its moderate price, high quality and health benefits. In particular, the product has a balanced content of indispensable amino acids, is rich in dietary fibre preventing cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and is high in vitamins fortifying the nervous system.
Protein-enriched vitaminized flour produced by the Altay grain processor is a unique product which has no analogues in the world.