KyivExpoPlaza Welcomes to InterAGRO Exhibition
OREANDA-NEWS. On 12 January 2009 was announced, that Agricultural Fair Exhibition InterAGRO will be held on 04.02.2009 — 06.02.2009 in KievExpoPlaza.
InterAGRO is biggest agricultural exhibition in Ukraine. Covers all spheres of agriculture.Under support of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine, Federal ministry of economics of Germany, Government of France. InterAGRO is major event that directed for promotion of the modern technologies in agro-industrial complex provides full enumeration of the agricultural machinery and latest scientific and technical development for professional landowners.
363 participants were presented on InterAGRO 2008. 108 foreign participant from 12 countries: Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine. 18072 officially registered visitors. Total area of the exhibition — 29 000 sq. m.
The organizer is JSC "Kyiv International Contract Fair". Co-organizers are Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, German associations of producers of agricultural machinery VDMA, French agency of international development of enterprises UBIFrance.