Lenexpo Will Host Ecology of Big City – 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. On 12 January 2009 was announced, that International Ecological Forum. "Waste management: technologies and equipment", "Watertreatment", "Air Protection", "Environmental services and equipment" wiil be held on March 18 2009 - March 20 2009 in Lenexpo.
The serious ecological situation has formed lately in many regions of the Russian Federation. It is even more heavily sensed by the citizens of large cities, where the most part of the industrial enterprises are situated. The necessity to correspond with the international and Russian ecological standards as well as the dynamic economical development becomes the real assurance of the investments increase in the environmental sector in the nearest years. Thus, the specialized arrangements, providing vast possibilities for environmental problems solving, acquire the extra importance.
The largest and unique International Ecological Forum and exhibitions of the North-West region of Russia in environmental sector are held under the support of the Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in North-West Federal region, Committee on Housing Policy and Committees for Use of Natural Resources, Environment Protection, and Environmental Safety of St. Petersburg Government and the Leningrad region, St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, professional associations.
At the Forum and exhibitions of 2008 disposed over 184 companies at the 4000 sq. m. exhibition space from Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Finland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, USA, Russia,Latvia, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. Forum attracted more than 6000 experts from all regions of Russia and countries of the near abroad.
Moreover 11 congress and business events were organized in the framework of the Forum and were attended by 1500 specialists of the ecological sphere. Also 18 foreign companies that are interested in cooperation with Russian market made presentations of their business projects in ecology.