Kazakhtelecom Interacts with Sinterra
OREANDA-NEWS. On December 29, 2008 Kazakhtelecom (Astana), shares of which are trading in the official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided KASE with the press release of December 24, 2008, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Sinterra, Russian national telecommunications operator and Kazakhtelecom, Kazakhstan leading telecommunications operator, announce on finishing of a full complex of measures on organization of gateway interaction on the basis of cross-border fiver-optic transition.
Junction of telecommunication infrastructures of Kazakhtelecom and Sinterra is located at the Kazakhstan-Russian border at Samara - Uralsk section. Each side built its section of the network to the border.
The joint project with Sinterra has been implemented within the development program of Kazakhtelecom for 2007-2009 and the Strategy for technical development of the company for 2007-2010. Implementation of the project will provide the fifth entry of the National Information Super Main (NISM) of Kazakhtelecom in Russia which in its turn will improve quality of connection between RK and RF, and, as well, facilitate integration of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange with global telecommunications community on the whole.
Finish of a full complex of measures on organization of a gateway junction will provide the Kazakhstan side with a full access to a complex of telecommunications services provided by Sinterra, including services of international/intercity connection, rent of main channels, services based on network IP MPLS, Internet access, access to resources of network CDP (Center for Data Processing) and a distributing call-center. Within the frames of the started cooperation Sinterra is providing Kazakhtelecom with a main access to the Internet.
From its side Kazakhtelecom shall provide the partner with a full range of telecommunications services in Kazakhstan. Thus, for example, Sinterra is planning to use a cross-border transition and resources of Kazakhtelecom in the project for servicing of a Russian segment of network NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), maintained by Sinterra since 1993.
"Finishing of works on organization of gateway interaction is an evidence of strengthening of partnership relations between our companies and between Kazakhstan and Russia, - says Chairman of Board of Kazakhtelecom ASkar Zhumagaliev - Our cooperation will, on one side, enlarge capacities of the main network of Kazakhtelecom and speed the process of integration of Kazakhstan into the international telecommunications services market, on the other side, strengthening competitiveness of Kazakhtelecom on the Asian market.
"Our company paid primary attention to enlargement of a range of services and the geography thereof, - says Vitaliy Slizen, general director of company Sinterra. - Partnership with Kazakhtelecom is in harmony with our strategy "Create, uniting", suggesting permanent buildup of connectivity of our national network with leading operators of the countries that used to be most important partners of Russia. Thanks to finish of works on organization of a gateway interaction with one of the largest operators of the Central Asian market Sinterra enlarges opportunities in optimization of traffic transit with the Asian region".