FAS to Develop Competition in Military-Industrial Complex
OREANDA-NEWS. December 29, 2008. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) formed the Expert Council on developing competition in the military-industrial complex and related industries, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
The purpose of the Council is to improve efficiency of state control over observance of the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation in the military-industrial complex and the markets of raw materials, materials, component parts, energy carriers and services, used for manufacturing Russian weapons and military equipment.
The Expert Council includes experts of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), representatives of other federal executive bodies, authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, research and planning-and-surveying organizations, representatives of associations (unions, alliances) of the economic entities operating in the military-industrial complex and related industries, and independent experts.
Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, is appointed the Chairman of the Expert Council.
The Deputy Head of the Chairman of the Expert Council is A.Ulyanov, the Head of the Department for Control and Supervision over Industry, Construction, Metallurgy, and Mining and Commodities-Based Industries.
A.Greshnev, the Head of the FAS Russia's Unit for Military-industrial Complex, of the Department for Industry Supervision, is appointed the Executive Secretary of the Expert Council.
The objective of the Expert Council is to facilitate development of competition in the military-industrial complex and related industries, preventing and suppressing monopolistic activities, considering the issues related to observance of the relevant antimonopoly legislation by the state bodies, as well as devising proposals and recommendations to improve the legislation and state control over the military-industrial complex and related industries.
The new FAS Russia's Expert Council will hold its sessions whenever necessary to discuss important issues, with participation of the interested parties.
Those who wish to become members of the Expert Council on developing competition in the military-industrial complex and related industries, should send information to the Executive Secretary of the Council by e-mail greshnev@fas.gov.ru or phone on 8 (499) 795-73-42.