Rusnano Opens Information and Consulting Center in Saint-Petersburg
OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 December 2008 was announced, that RUSNANO Managing Director on Infrastructural Activity Yevgeny Yevdokimov and RUSNANO Director on Regional Development Institute Relations Dmitry Krinitsky took part in the opening ceremony of the Center. RUSNANO will use the Center for project-specific cooperation with Saint-Petersburg companies in the field of nanotechnologies.
The Information and Consulting Center is the first in Saint-Petersburg communication platform for innovative companies providing the possibilities for business incubation. The basic objective of the Center is to support the innovative projects at the early stage of their development, when searching for investor is the most difficult issue for the companies.
The Center’s objectives:
Informing and consulting about possibilities for the innovative project implementation in the region;
Contribution to preparation of the applications for participation in the state and private programs in the sphere of innovations;
Contribution to the innovative projects promotion, their administration;
Informing about financing programs in the direction of innovative activity;
Organizing and holding the seminars, conferences, presentations.
- Partnership between RUSNANO and the Center became the first step in implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Corporation and Saint-Petersburg signed in Moscow on the 23rd of December, - said Yevgeny Yevdokimov. – At once after New Year vacations the Center’s officials will pass through the training in RUSNANO, which will allow them to inform our potential applicants and investors about the required information on the terms and conditions of partnership with the Corporation and our requirements made for the applications. We reckon on that the Center’s activity will help RUSNANO to increase the number and quality of applications submitted from Saint-Petersburg. This Information and Consulting Center is our first experience. In case it turns out to be successful, the Corporation will be able to consider a possibility of launching similar projects in other regions of Russia as well.
- The Center is the next object of the innovative infrastructure in Saint-Petersburg, - noted Sergey Fiveysky, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade. – Providing a possibility for the innovative companies to promote and make their own business ideas popular and for the investors to obtain a selection of various projects for further financing will become its key feature.