Atomenergoremont OJSC Forms Primary Trade Union Organization
OREANDA-NEWS. December 29, 2008. The Central Committee of the Trade Union of Nuclear Workers registered primary trade union organization #428 of Atomenergoremont OJSC.
Dec 25 2008 the branch of Atomenergoremont OJSC, the Centralized Maintenance Enterprise (CME) at Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, decided to transfer its employees from primary trade union organization #320 to primary trade union organization #428.
During the meeting the CME summed up the results of its work in 2008.
276 people took part in the meeting.
The chairman of the trade union of the CME Vladimir Tupitsky made a report on the work of his organization in 2008.
The director of the CME Vladimir Frolov summed up the results of the branch’s work in 2008.
The director general of Atomenergoremont Vladimir Minayev presented the problems and tasks of the branch.
The advisor of the director general of Atomenergoremont OJSC Mikhail Semyonov informed the audience about the decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Nuclear Workers to register primary trade union organization #428.
Presently, the organization is being registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia.
This decision allows employees of Atomenergoremont to form their own trade union organization, which is supposed to help them to more effectively assert their interests in the framework of the collective agreement.
The chairman of the Association of Trade Union Committees of Nuclear Power Plants Alexander Apalkov said that the transfer of the employees of the CME to the newly formed trade union would help them to more effectively protect their interests and to preserve their ties within the Association.
As a result, the transfer was approved. Thus, Atomenergoremont has formed its first primary trade union organization at one of its branches, namely, the branch at Kursk NPP.
In the coming months the company will unify similar organizations into one single trade union.