Russian Government to Consider Energy Strategy Up to 2030
OREANDA-NEWS. December 23, 2008. Russia’s energy strategy up to 2030 has been framed and is to be submitted to the government in the near future, Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko said. “It is all ready. We will forward it to the government within one or two days” – he said. Russia’s energy strategy up to 2020, which was adopted in late August 2003, calls for making adjustments once every five years. According to the current energy strategy up to 2020, the baseline scenario provides for oil output in Russia at 450 mn tons in 2010 vs. 491 mn tons in 2007 and 520 mn tons in 2020. Gas production in Russia is projected at 680-730 bcm of gas by 2020 compared to 651 bcm in 2007. According to the forecast, the domestic gas price by 2010 is to reach USD 46-49 per 1,000 cu m vs. USD 55 in 2007