AMC to Check Grounds of Utilities Tariffs All Around Ukraine
OREANDA-NEWS. December 23, 2008. Antimonopoly departments received a commission to immediately take envisaged by legislation measures and inform the central headquarters of the Committee in case anti-competitive approach on the part of local authorities to introducing of communal tariffs is revealed.
This concerns, first of all, orders of local authorities with regards to the tariffs for juridical persons similar to those approved by the Kyiv municipal state administration which the Committee recommended to cancel or change in compliance with the norms of competitive legislation.
Besides, the Committee insists on founding an independent body – National Commission for State Regulation of Utilities Market, which is stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On natural monopolies”. Endorsed by the CMU in July of current year Conception of state regulating of activity of subjects of natural monopoly on the market of communal services also envisages creating of such body with a network of territorial offices which are to tackle forming of tariff policy.