Russian Minister Named EuroChem Environmental Activity Best
OREANDA-NEWS. On 22 December 2008 was announced, that on the basis of the resolution of the minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation Yuri Trutnev environmental activity of OJSC "Mineral Chemical Company "EuroChem" was awarded with the reward "The Best Ecological Project of the Year". The award and diploma of the laureate of the competition was assigned to the holding "EuroChem" in the nomination "Ecological efficiency of economy. Ecological management" for the project "Improvement of ecological efficiency of the management system at production of mineral fertilizers at OJSC "MCC "EuroChem".
Having become the laureate of the competition the holding OJSC "MCC "EuroChem" received the right to use the official mark "Ecological Project of the Year" approved by the Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, at promotion of enterprises of the holding, its products and services.
In 2007 OJSC "MCC "EuroChem" spent 607.4 million rubles for environmental protection, labor protection and ensuring of industrial safety. By the end of 2008 expenses of the company on these positions will amount to 710 million rubles.
The award "The Best ecological project of the year" was established by the Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation for the purpose of identification of production and scientific-technical achievements in the area of environmental protection and provision of ecological safety, stimulation of processes of development and implementation at industrial enterprises of projects for mitigation of unfavorable environmental impact, as well as for the purpose of attraction of public attention to environmental problems and encouragement of educational activity in the area of ecology.