Number of Internet Users in Kazakhstan to Reach 2,3 mln
OREANDA-NEWS. December 19, 2008. In October 2008 year, an independent research company ICT-Marketing, which specializes in research in the field of telecommunications and IT, conducted a study on the results of which can be predicted that by the end of December 2008 year the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan will reach 2.3 million, or 14, 8% of the republic, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.
For calculating was taken the data survey of urban and rural population of Kazakhstan. As a result of the poll, in October 2008 year, the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan stood at 2.2 million. Thus, for the period from September 2007 year to October 2008 year the size of Kazakhstan's Internet audience grew by 16%.
According to forecast, given the prevailing dynamics of the market by the end of December 2008 the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan will reach 2.3 million or 14.8% of the republic.
However, in 2008 year, continued growth in the intensity of the visit Internet:
If in October of this year, the core of the Internet audience (visit the Internet daily) formed 32% of adult Internet users (488 thousand) in cities with a population of 70 thousand or more people, in September 2007 year, the figure was 20%. Given the growing number of Internet users, a daily audience of Internet in Kazakhstan increased by 91% compared with last year.
An active audience of Internet users (using Internet resources at least once a week) in October 2008 in cities with a population of Kazakhstan 70 thousand or more people accounted for 68% or 1 million 36 thousand adults (aged 16 and over). In September 2007, the figure was 65%.
In October 2008, to a regular Internet audience (using Internet service at least several times a month) included 84% (1 million 280 thousand) of adult Internet users from cities with a population of Kazakhstan 70 thousand or more people. In September 2007, the figure was 81%.
The main venue of the Internet is a house. In October 2008, 56% of adult Internet users in cities with a population of Kazakhstan and more than 70 thousand people, most used the Internet at home. In September 2007, the figure was 42%. The size of home Internet audience in October 2008 year increased by 56% compared with September 2007. The percentage of adult Internet users who use the Internet at work has fallen from 29% in September 2007 to 17% in October 2008.
The most important indicator in many condition the development of Internet in Kazakhstan, is the level of computerization of household, which also increased over the past year. If, in September 2007, 37% of families cities with a population of Kazakhstan and more than 70 thousand people had a computer, in October 2008, the figure was 42%. At the same time increasing the proportion of families which uses the laptops. In October 2008, 4% of urban households with a population of Kazakhstan and more than 70 thousand people have a laptop. In September 2007, the figure was 2.1% in December 2006 - 1.6%.
Over the past year has increased as the number of people using the Internet, and the number of households with Internet access. In October 2008, 19 out of 100 urban households in Kazakhstan with a population of 70 thousand or more people have internet access (in September 2007 the figure was 16 out of 100 households). The total number of households connecting to the Internet in the cities of Kazakhstan with a population of 70 thousand or more people has increased over the past year by 23%.
Over the past year, continued significant changes in the types used to access the Internet. For the first time in the history of Internet services for the people of Kazakhstan broadband Internet has become the main mode of access to the Internet from home for urban households. At the end of October 2008, broadband Internet services "Megaline", provided JSC "Kazakhtelecom", enjoyed 64 of the 100 households with Internet access that live in cities with a population of Kazakhstan 70 thousand or more people.
In September 2007, the figure was several times lower, at 25 out of 100 households. Thus, the number of Kazakh households connected to broadband Internet has increased over the past period of 3 times. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the number of households using dial-up access to the Internet (through dial-up modems).
The massive shift of households to high-speed Internet and changed the habits of users. Whereas recently Internet mainly used for reading Web pages and work with mail, then in 2008 the use of the Internet has become more diverse. The percentage of those who use the Internet to download music and videos, communicate in forums, ICQ and similar programs, games on-line.
Over the time, the Internet is becoming more family services. An increasing proportion of people who prefer to use the Internet at home, and the number of family members who use the service. In October 2008 year, an average of one family living in the city with a population of 70 thousand or more people, and having a connection to the World Wide Web, Internet services using 2 man of the house, while in September 2007 the figure was 1.8 people (in December 2006 - 1.6 persons).
In conclusion, the positive dynamic increase in the number of users of Internet services mainly due to decline in tariffs for Internet access services, hosting and increase access speed connection, the largest operator JSC "Kazakhtelecom".