Achinsk Flour Mill Increases Production for Export
OREANDA-NEWS On 19 December was announced, that Achinsk flour mill, one of the largest PAVA structural units, started producing flour for export. Earlier, Achinsk mill products were shipped within the country’s borders, to its European and Eastern parts.
However, since PAVA began a large-scale campaign of increasing the company’s presence on overseas flour markets, Achinsk mill has contributed to fulfillment of export contracts. In November 2008, the flour mill shipped over 1,500 tonnes of flour to partners in Tajikistan.
“Last year, it was mainly Rebrikha mill that supplied flour for export orders, but after overseas shipments grew substantially, we made a decision to split the workload between the mills because each of them is also working with regions within Russia. Initially, the capacities of Mikhailovsky mill were loaded, and now it was followed the plant is Achinsk. Today, the production is organized in such a way that enables steady work on the domestic market and successful shipments abroad”, - commented Angela Kiseleva, OJSC PAVA Commercial Director.