Crisis Will Not Hamper Euro-2012 Objects Building in Ukraine
OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2008. Ukrainian builders are capable to build all the objects timely and qualitatively by the finals of European Football Championship of 2012. First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Building of Ukraine, national coordinator for projecting building methodology Anatolii Berkuta announced.
He chaired a meeting into organization and methodic assistance in projecting, building and holding of state expertise of projects of the objects of final part of the European Football Championship of 2012.
The Ministry of Regional Development assured that unsatisfying showings (for 11 months of the current year downswing of amounts of construction works has equaled 13%, being 9.6% in October) would not tell upon preparing to the Euro-2012.
According to Anatolii Berkuta, any technology in construction can be materialized by the national builders: “There exist no problems from the point of view of technologies, organization of works – we will manage to fulfill all the tasks if we proceed in a proper manner,” the First Deputy Minister noted.
He also urged the meeting’s participants – representatives of towns which are to host events of the 2012 Championship that to achieve success in readying for the finals of Euro-2012 the authorities have to create workgroups on the local level to accompany every object, to solve problems of allocation of land plots, to pass conciliatory and permit procedures.
Anatolii Berkuta also stressed to abate the situation with preparing to the Euro-2012 draft law “On prevention of influence of the world financial crisis on the development of building branch and house-building” approved by the Parliament in the first reading is called.