"Lenta" Opened New Store of Chain in Penza
OREANDA-NEWS On 12 December was announced, that "Lenta" opened a hypermarket of the trade chain in Penza. The store is located in Prospect Stroiteley, 2.
On 4 December a ceremony of cutting the ribbon took place for the representatives of Administration of Penza and Penza Region.
The total area of the store is 12 000 m2, including the trade area of about 8 100 m2. The investments in the construction of the hypermarket exceeded 650 million roubles. The store in Penza has become the 34-th hypermarket in the chain "Lenta" in Russia.
Kirill Chemykhin, regional operations director of company "Lenta" comments: "At the moment Penza and Penza Region are deemed to be the areas with poor retail development by retail trade turnover per capita; however, the potential of this region is very high. Our hypermarket will be the first large-format trade complex in the city selling over 13 000 items of foodstuffs and consumer goods. The market participants note that the buyers in Penza are sensitive more to the price of goods, therefore we are convinced that positioning of our chain as economy hypermarket with lowest prices will be truly important, and our store in Penza will be very successful".
As well as in other regions, in "Lenta" store offers a wide assortment of goods under one roof to the buyers: fresh vegetables and fruit, dairy products, meat, fish, groceries; own bakery provides special bakery and confectionery products; there is own production of various salads and ready meals. The non-foods assortment is represented by household goods and interior items, sport goods, clothes, footwear, domestic audio and video equipment, seasonal goods - for instance, winter accessories for cars. All these goods are accessible for the buyers round the clock, 7 days a week. In addition to the assortment, the advantages of the hypermarket "Lenta" are the traditionally high quality of goods and high-quality service. The "Lenta" store is located in a busy transport thoroughfare, the parking is for 400 cars.
In the process of development of the chain in the regions, the increasing number of local producers start cooperation with "Lenta", which promotes the growth of gross national product and organization of new workplaces at the regional markets.
Company "Lenta" is to a great extent focused on work with local suppliers, as they know well the preferences of the residents of the region. As shown by sociological research, an ordinary buyer prefers the goods produced by the enterprises located in his area. Now the assortment of foodstuffs at the store presents the products of over 20 Penza manufacturers, and "Lenta" carries out active work to raise this figure. On the shelves of the hypermarket one can meet the products of such manufacturers and brands as "Penza Meat Processing and Packing Factory", "Penza Confectionery Factory", "Penza Meat Yard", "Aquaworld", "Izmailovo Products", "Vasilyevka".
With opening of the hypermarket "Lenta", about 300 residents of Penza were employed, who receive adequate wages, have social guarantees and opportunities for professional and career growth. The director of store "Lenta" Svetlana Bochkareva emphasized the following: "Special attention is paid by the chain "Lenta" to pricing. The motto of the company "Economy in each purchase. Always." is realized due to permanent price monitoring: in fact the purpose of "Lenta" is to offer the lowest prices in city. "Lenta" is orientated at the buyers with rational attitude to money, therefore saving in our store will be a pleasure for all Penza residents".
The customers of "Lenta" will be able to get discounts by receiving a card of permanent buyer. The card makes it possible to save additional 5 % of the purchase amount. The buyers will learn about special offers from regular catalogues where the goods are sold on the average with a 30 % discount. At the time of seasonal actions held at the trade complex, discounts on some goods may reach 70 %. All this makes it possible to realize successfully the mission of the company - "We do our best for the people in our country to live better and richer, saving money with each day".