OREANDA-NEWS  On 10 December was announced, that the meeting of the Supervisory Board of Rytu skirstomieji tinklai, AB (hereinafter - RST) convened on December 4, 2008. Following decisions were taken:

1) To recall the Management Board of RST in corpore;

2) To elect the following persons to the Management Board of RST for the remaining term of the Management Board that abandoned its duties: Virgilijus Юukauskas, Vytenis Kudinskas, Laimutл Milaрauskienл, Rimantas Vaitkus;

3) To determine, that the newly elected Management Board of RST shall start its activities just after Supervisory Board meeting, in which the Management Board was elected.

On the same date (4 December), a meeting of the Management Board of RST was convened at 10:30 a.m.

The Management Board of RST adopted the following decisions:

1) To elect Rimantas Vaitkus as a chairman of the Management Board of RST.

2) To elect Rimantas Vaitkus as a General Manager of RST.