FAS Recognized Fora-Pharm Violated Legislation on Advertising
OREANDA-NEWS. December 08, 2008 The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) recognized that "Fora-Pharm" Ltd. violated the legislation on advertising, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
The company violated Clause 6 Part 5 Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" by broadcasting in May 2008 several radio commercials of the "Gelenven" cosmetic gel in the radio programme "Uroki Zdorovya [Health Lessons]" of the "Radio Rossii [Radio Russia]" radio station. The commercial indicated that the gel treats diseases of the leg blood vessels and varicose veins as it is a highly effective anti-varicose medicine that has phlebotropic, antiedemic and anti-inflammatory effect, and its usage helps preventing illnesses of the leg blood vessels and varicose veins.
The advertisement also contained information typical for advertising of medicines, for instance, indication that it was sold in the drug stores, information about clinical testing, mentioning of the disease symptoms and effects of the product on development and prevention of blood vessels diseases. However, according to the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, the gel is a cosmetic product for legs and not a medicine.
The radio commercial also included a conversation between the programme presented and professor Alexander Kashirin who told about the results of clinical testing of the gel by the Russian Association of Phlembologists. Clause 4 Part 5 статьи 5 Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" prohibits using the images of medical doctors and pharmacological experts in the advertisements.
Having investigated the case, FAS Russia pronounced that the audio advertisement of the "Gelenven" gel was unfair and violated Clauses 4 and 6 Part 5 Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Advertising". FAS Russia issued a determination to "Fora-Pharm" Ltd. requesting the company to stop the advertising.