TGC-2 Announced New Appointments
OREANDA-NEWS On 03 December was announced, that General Director TGC-2 Valentin Bragin appointed Deputy General Director for organizational matters Petr Skasochkin, Deputy General Director for economy and finance – Larisa Votintseva, Deputy General Director for commercial matters – Sergey Tolstov.
Skasochkin Petr Ivanovich was born on July 23, 1950 in village Isvest in Mordovskaya ASSR. He has graduated from Perm agricultural Institute on “machine engineer” speciality and from Ural socio-political Institute on “political scientist” speciality.
Since 1980 he worked in Perm region’s authorities. Since 1990 till 1994 he was Chairman of Dobryansky regional Council of public deputies. In power engineering since1994, he worked as Assistant Director for personnel and regime, as Director for personnel and regime, as Director for organizational matters of JSC “Permskaya GRES”. In 2006 he was appointed Deputy Director for organizational matters of JSC “Permskaya GRES”- associated company of JSC “First Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market (JSC “OGC-1”). In 2005 he was given the rank of “Honorary Power Engineering Specialist”.
Votintseva Larisa Nikolaevna was born on November 16, 1963 in village Koyanovo in Perm region. She has graduated from Perm state University on “economist” speciality in 1985 and on “lawyer” speciality in 1999.
She started her labor activity as an accountant in KMTS "Permuprleshos”. Since 1995 she worked as Chief Accountant in SC “Lukoil-Permnefteprodukt”. She works in power engineering since 2002. She worked as Head of accounting service, then as Chief Accountant in JSC “Permskaya GRES”. Before JSC "TGC-2” she worked as Chief Accountant in JSC “OGC-1”.
Tolstov Sergey Albertovich was born on August 26, 1961. He has graduated from Ural forestry engineering Institute on “economist” speciality.
In power engineering since 1995. He worked as a key specialist for marketing, as a Deputy Sales Manager in JSC “Permskaya GRES”. Since 2005 he worked as Head of Client Division of Electric and Heat Power Sales Department in JSC “OGC-1”, then as Deputy Head of Electric and Heat Power Sales Department – Head of division for maintenance with fuel material and for heat power sales.