EU Experts Appreciate High Qualification Level of SUNPP Specialists
OREANDA-NEWS. December 02, 2008. To summarize four-years’ work of expert analytical group of South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant and representatives of European Union in introducing of a system of human factor impact on safety of exploitation of the station, the EU senior expert Antoine Dominati emphasized that the level of Ukrainian specialists will be compared to the level of western specialists who have launched similar projects much earlier.
Experience of a Belgium’s NPP Tihange, which is a recognized leader among the European Nuclear Power Plants in researches of human reliability, has been laid as a base of the project. Its peculiarity appears concern on the part of staff in finding reasons to avoid accidents in the future.
The work of specialists is grounded on voluntariness and trust: any employee can inform about a mistake to the working group who analyze flaws of personnel on a confidential basis and elaborate correcting measures.
Over the term of holding the project the members of working group – SUNPS specialist have completed respective studies, developed and adapted the strategy of analysis of events to the station’s conditions. They have already analyzed 3 real events and proposed correcting measures. In future it is planned to create a database of mistakes made by the staff which would enable to determine effectiveness of the applied approach to improve the safety of enterprise.
November 20-25 of the current year the working group has also determined the strategy of development of the project “Applying experience taking into account human factor” for 2009-2010.
“Applying experience taking into account human factor” is one of the projects realized at the SUNPS after TASIC international assistance program. The final objective of it is facilitation to increase of security of NPP by means of uncovering and prevention of deflections from normal exploitation and improvement of operation of enterprises.