Three New Sports Facilities Will Be Erected for Southeast Moscow
OREANDA-NEWS On 25 November was announced, that three new sports and fitness centres featuring swimming pools will be erected in southeast Moscow in 2009, Vladimir Zotov, prefect of the southeastern administrative district of Moscow, said.
“The district management for construction and reconstruction is currently elaborating the design specifications and estimates for building two facilities in Ryazansky neighbourhood and one more in Maryino neighbourhood,” the official noted.
Mr Zotov specified that two sports facilities, each with a swimming pool and a skating rink, would be put up at Ryazansky Avenue and another one with a swimming pool would be opened on Belorechenskaya Street.
Besides, four mixed-use sports grounds are to be commissioned within the school areas by the end of 2008.
The builders have already commissioned two sports and fitness facilities with swimming pools with the total area of over 5,000 sq m in the neighbourhoods Yuzhnoportovy and Kuzminky within southeast Moscow since the start of 2008.
In the aggregate, 54 sports and fitness centres and 14 swimming pools are currently operating in the southeastern district of Moscow.