Information about Attempt to Steal Property from Kalinin NPP Is False
OREANDA-NEWS. November 20, 2008. Oct 28 2008 a number of mass media reported that stealing of property – a transformer and 850kg of aluminum worth over 25mln RUR – was prevented at Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant.
Energoatom Concern OJSC says that this information is not true.
An internal investigation has shown that a transformer (TFRM-750) was taken out of the territory of Kalinin NPP on Sept 30 2008 on the basis of a special pass but one of the numbers of the transformer’s code in the pass was indicated incorrectly.
The problem was recorded as a pass control violation. The transformer was left inside the vehicle. The vehicle was inspected and no metal was found inside.
As soon as a new pass was issued the transformer was taken out of the territory of Kalinin NPP.
In its report about the event the military unit protecting Kalinin NPP made a mistake and indicated the price of Siemens transformer (25mln RUR) rather than the price of TFRM-750.
The management of the plant found it unnecessary to start criminal proceedings.
Thus, there was just a mistake in the pass code but there was no attempt to steal the property.