ASKA Holds Shareholder Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. November 12, 2008. A shareholder meeting of ASKA insurance company took place, reported the press-centre of SCM.
The meeting approved results of private additional issue of shares to the total amount of UAH 40m. So, the decision was made to approve the increase of the authorized stock of the company and make corresponding amendments in its charter. According to the new version of the Charter, the authorized stock of ASKA totals UAH 144,584,880. The biggest shareholders of the company are SCM Finance Limited and company's President Aleksandr Sosis that jointly own 99.1% of the company.
The authorized stock increase will help improve reliability of the company and raise liquidity of the assets.
The Supervisory Board of the company was changed as well.
UASK ASKA is the first private insurance company in Ukraine providing insurance protection in 18 voluntary and 19 compulsory insurance types. Its regional network includes 36 branches and 66 representative offices in all Ukrainian regions and an office in Moscow.
UASK ASKA collected UAH 255,116,700 in insurance premiums over 9 months of 2008. The amounts paid out in claims over the same period made UAH 97,781,600. Company has settled over 34,000 claims over nine months of 2008 with the payments making 38.3%.
Company's mission is “A Big Company People Need". Building a client-oriented company working to supply high-quality insurance services, firstly, throughout Ukraine is one of major mechanisms for ASKA to realize its mission.