Ukrainian Minister of Economy Summed Up Results of Investment Activity
OREANDA-NEWS. On November 12, 2008 Minister of Economy of Ukraine Bohdan Danylyshyn stressed that results of the investment activity, summing up the first quarter of 2008, are positive and comply with the predicted tendencies.
The Minister expressed hope that the current positive tendencies this year and implementation of measures in the framework of revival of the macroeconomic stability assure that global financial crisis would not undermine the economy of Ukraine and investment attractiveness of the country in particular.
“Against a backdrop of the global financial crisis it is strategically important to attract investments to the real sector of national economy,” Bohdan Danylyshyn believes.
With this purpose, the Ministry of Economy has drafted the following statutory and legal acts:
- draft Law of Ukraine “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine” (concerning the investment activity), aimed at improving the investment climate f Ukraine.
“The passage of this Law, Bohdan Danylyshyn says, aims at eliminating legislative disagreements on investment activity, preventing and abating violations in the investment activity, determining a concept and context of the investment project, procedure of public registration and introducing a public register of investment projects supported by the state”.
- draft Law of Ukraine “On industrial parks”.
According to the Minister of Economy, this bill aims to create on the territory of Ukraine the proper conditions for busing free working resource in non-industrial regions and creating conditions for development of the small and medium business. At the same time the creation of a tax basis in the assigned regions is important.
- draft Law of Ukraine “On common basis of the public-private partnership development in Ukraine”.
The bill sets out legal, economic and organization basis for implementation of the public-private partnership in Ukraine, in particular, to regulate relations while implementing projects on constructing highways, the underground and their infrastructures.
The main goal of the bill is the creation of conditions to raise competitive capacity of public sector of the economy through more efficient use of public property, to attract investments to the Ukrainian economy, to update the industrial and social infrastructure, to raise the quality of goods, works and services.
It is envisaged, the Minister of Economy noted, in the result of implementing the Law essential part of the investment needs of the economic branches of Ukraine will be provided though direct investments and implementation of the investment obligations by private partners.
-draft Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of clusters creation in Ukraine”.
Approval of the order aims at endorsement of the Concept of clusters creation in Ukraine setting out common basis for the creation and development of clusters to ensure high rates of economic growth and diversification of the regions’ economy.
“The creation of clusters will promote increase in production and innovation activity of participant-enterprises of clusters and increase in development intensification of the small and medium business, stirring up of the investments attractiveness, acceleration of the social and economic development of regions through the creation of clusters that in the end will allow to increase workplaces, wage level, budget revenues of all levels and raise competitive capacity of the economy of regions and Ukrainian economy as a whole,” Bohdan Danylyshyn summed up.