Belon’s Shares Admitted to MICEX Quotation List
OREANDA-NEWS. November 10, 2008. The ordinary shares of OAO Belon went through the listing procedure of ZAO MICEX Stock Exchange (MICEX). Pursuant to the decision of the exchange directorate as of October 8, 2008 (Minutes No. 159) Belon’s shares were admitted to B quotation list.
Admittance of the Company’s securities to the quotation list allowed its introduction to trading on the stock exchange in accordance with the agreement on admittance and support of securities in the quotation list No. B-199/08 dated October 22, 2008.
Before being admitted to B quotation list, the Company’s shares had been traded in the non-listed stock sector of MICEX since April 2007. Since July this year, the shares of Belon have been traded in B quotation list on the Russian Trading System Stock Exchange (RTS).