TNK-BP Purchased 3 Hydrocarbon Areas in Orenburg Region
OREANDA-NEWS. November 07, 2008. OJSC “Tyumenneftegaz,” a subsidiary of TNK-BP, purchased three hydrocarbon fields in the Orenburg Region in an auction, the Department for Management of Subsoil Use of the Orenburg Region (Orenburgnedra) said, reported the press-centre of TNK-BP.
The Rostashinskii, Likvinskii, and Rodnikovsko-Vrezovskii areas were put up to auction on October 14. Tyumenneftegaz paid 11 million rubles for the Rostashinskii area whose starting price was 10 million rubles, 12.1 million rubles for the Likvinskii area against the starting price of 11 million rubles, and 28 million rubles for the Rodnikovsko-Vrezovskii area the price of which started at 20 million rubles.
Apart from Tyumenneftegaz, the auction was participated by Bashneft and Samotlorneftegaz.
The oil resources of category D3 in the Rostashinskii area amount to 1 million tons and the gas resources of category D1 in this area are estimated at 1.1 billion cubic meters. This area includes a part of the Rostashinskoe field, which is being developed by JSC “Orenburgneft,” another subsidiary of TNK-BP.
The oil resources of category D1 in the Likvinskii area estimated at 1 million tons and the gas resources of category D1 at 5 billion cubic meters. This area includes only one field – the Proletarskoe field, which is being developed by Orenburgneft.
The oil reserves and resources of the Rodnikovsko-Vrezovskii area amount to 0.011 million tons in category C1 and 2 million tons in category D1. Three fields were discovered on the territory of this area.