OREANDA-NEWS. On November 06, 2008 As it was informed in the Ministry of Finance, this sum will make 1,9 % of GDP of the country predicted for 2009 or 13,1 % more than the sum of grants provided in 2008. Such indicators are presupposed by the state budget- 2009, approved by the parliament on October, 30th in two readings.

The Ministry of Finance has underlined that grants for the budget support will make 558,1 million leis (US61,2 million), and grants for the projects financed from the external sources- 771,1 million leis (US 84,5 million).

It is planned that the next year EU, the World Bank, and the governments of Netherlands, Great Britain, etc will be the main donors of our country.

In particular Euro commission plans to allocate US 53,4 million, Netherlands – US 4,4 million, Great Britain – US 3,4 million.

For launching projects financed from the external sources, ЕC promises to allocate US 56 million within the frameworks of the European partnership and good neighborhood tool, the World bank – about US 2,9 million and the Global fund of prevention of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria – US 5,2 million, respectively.