Vitaliy Antonov Master-Class Took Place in LvBS
OREANDA-NEWS On 06 November was announced, that in Lviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic University (LvBS) master-class of Vitaliy Antonov, Head of the Board of Directors of Concern Galnaftogaz, president of Universal investment group took place on October 24. The topic of master-class was "From enterprise idea to system business". Listeners of Business School had an opportunity to hear the history of Antonov's becoming a businessman, stages of development of businesses and principles, which group developed on from his own lips.
Vitaliy Antonov emphasized: "For the construction of successful system business the key element is desire and ability to create the strong and capable team of top-managers. If a proprietor is not afraid to engage people stronger than himself to this team, people, which he will be able to study something from, probability of his personal success and success of his business grows substantially".
Answering the question about world financial crisis, Vitaliy Antonov marked, – "In such moments business gets a chance to glance into itself. It is good possibility for the wisest companies to look at own internal quality. In a moment when reckless rates of growths of economy and markets, which were observed last years, slowed a bit, business must reconsider its effectiveness and efficiency and take away "seeds out of chaff"".
Lviv Business School of UKU organizes the events of different format monthly (master-classes of successful Ukrainian and world businessmen, top-managers, cultural workers; coffee-seminars; case consideration) for intercommunication of business community, and also engages power, public and educational organizations in this events.
"It's a double pleasure for us to organize this master-class, – said LvBS director Sophia Opatska. Vitaliy Antonov, except he is a successful businessman, successful person, he is one of the founders of our Business School. Most companies, which are our partners, clients, members of Business School community now are on the way to construction and establishing of system and viable organizations in a long prospect. Lviv Business School of UKU cooperates with business, which values quality, thinks, and follows to success at the market. Exactly in this context I consider that Vitaliy Antonov's appearance was very important for our listeners".