AKB Will Make Coupon Payment on 3rd Issue Notes for 7th Coupon Period
OREANDA-NEWS On 05 November was announced, that in compliance with the requirements changes of Clause 5.1 of the Latvian Central Depository Rules No.8 On Dividends, Principal and Other Income Payments, we declare that on 6 November, 2008 JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums will make a coupon payment (interest) on its third issue notes (ISIN code: LV0000800407) for the seventh coupon period (from August 02, 2008, till November 01, 2008). Total calculated interest amount is EUR 203,626.67, the size of the coupon payment (interest) per one note is EUR 2.0362667.
According to the terms of the issue, the rate for the seventh coupon period on its notes at 7.968% p.a.
According to the volume of assets, at the end of August JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums, that is a part of JSC Baltikums Bankas Grupa, was the 20th biggest bank of 25 commercial banks of Latvia. Bank’s bonds are quoted in Riga Stock Exchange debt security list.