Akciju Komercbanka Baltikums Set Coupon Rate for Eight Coupon Period
OREANDA-NEWS On 05 November was announced, that JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums set the coupon rate for the eight coupon period (from November 02, 2008 till February 01, 2009) at 7.794% p.a. JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums credit linked notes code is ISIN LV0000800407.
According to the terms of the issue, the coupon rate is set for each interest calculation period. The coupon rate is based on 3 months EURIBOR rate, which is fixed on the coupon rate determination date, plus 3% p.a. According to Bank of Latvia, 3 months EURIBOR rate On 05 November 2008 was 4.794% p.a.