Ukraine Considers Possibility of Electric Energy Imports from Russia
OREANDA-NEWS. October 31, 2008. The Fuel and Energy Ministry considers possibility of limiting electric energy imports from Russia or a complete refusal from it, this issue was raised by heads of the SkhidEnergo Company.
They explained it by the fact that as a result of a sharp rise in the dollar rate purchases of electric energy became unprofitable, the Delo newspaper writes.
"Due to the situation on the electric energy market and taking into consideration current coal stocks at storage facilities of thermoelectric power stations, as well as the volumes of reduction of electric energy supplies by industrial enterprises, the situation has been analyzed in detail", Fuel and Energy press secretary Fent Di asserts. "But for today, no decisions on the present issue have been taken yet".
Electric energy import from Russia started in September this year. The Fuel and Energy Ministry explained such a need by a deficit of own energy resources caused by its growing use and by the fact that the second power generating unit at the Khelnytskyi NPP stopped its work for emergency repair. In addition, according to the ministry's information, Russian electric energy was less expensive compared to Ukrainian electric energy by 12 percent.
However, in September the situation has changed in the market. It was affected by a crisis in the metallurgical sector. Use of electric energy dropped by seven percent over the current month as compared to October last year. Therefore, today Ukraine is able to solve problems with electric energy supply independently.