Kutuzovsky Avenue Will Be Widened Near Park Pobedy
OREANDA-NEWS On 01 November was announced, that the Moscow officials decided to have Kutuzovsky Avenue widened near the metro station Park Pobedy by building two drive-in pockets with boarding stations in 2009.
“It was decided that it was essential to build two drive-in pockets with boarding stations near the metro station Park Pobedy to increase an acceptance rate of Kutuzovsky Avenue and to secure passengers of the surface transport of Moscow,” a source from City Hall said.
The development is scheduled to be completed by November 2009.
The official added that a part of the green space near the metro station would most probably be removed during the development.
The proper departments have been charged with elaborating a target specification for designing the drive-in pockets with boarding stations which is stipulated the areas for compensation planting and the relocation of 17 lime trees.
The developers are also to take into account a planning design of the area occupied by the public centre located near the metro station Park Pobedy.