UFC-Capital Announced Ukrainian Market Daily Review (31 October 2008)
OREANDA-NEWS On 01 November was announced, that the Ukrainian market after a short break continued its growth jointly with the global indices. The PFTS index added 9.6%, though, as it is the end of the month its might be attributed to the high share of rating transactions in the total trade volume on Thursday. The dollar UFC index added 0.4%, nonetheless, this surge might have been more significant, but for hryvna devaluation on Wednesday. As to the sectoral indices, UFC Utilities just shot up and gained 9.1%. The machine engineering industry quotations represented by UFC Engineering yesterday went up by 3.5%, while UFC Metals for the fifth day in a row has been falling down (this time it shed 2.4%).
The market upsurge on Tuesday pushed a number of securities to the upper limits of their corridors. So, yesterday, KIEN broke through UAH 12.5 and closed at UAH 15 mark. AZST followed the example and overcame UAH 0.8. Yet, there were securities for which the yesterday's session resulted in no growth: PGOK broke through its support at UAH 14.5 and is traded at the level of UAH 13.5.
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