RBD Acted as Partner of “OPORA Index”
OREANDA-NEWS. October 27, 2008. The Russian Bank for Development acted as a partner in preparing an annual research on the development of small and mid-sized business in the Russian regions, which was accomplished by OPORA ROSSII with support of the RF Ministry of Economic Development, reported the press-centre of RBD.
The project was designed to evaluate conditions for SME growth in the regions via large-scale interrogation among the entrepreneurs. With the view to determine the “OPORA’s Index” in 2008 over 5.5 thousand respondents in 40 Russian regions have been interrogated. This year the survey focused on availability of funds for business development, and one of the important aspects of monitoring was analysis of developing environment of enterprises involved in production industry.
The Russian Bank for Development and OPORA ROSSII cooperate in a number of matters concerning various forms of SME lending support. Involvement in this project contributed to the on-going fruitful cooperation between RBD and OPORA ROSSII aimed at creating favorable conditions for SME growth.